1. In your opinion, what are the good AND bad aspects of the current U.S. health care system? 

2. In your opinion, what would a perfect health care system look like? Are there any aspects of the health care systems in other countries that you feel our country needs to replicate? (Read Healthcare Systems Around the World in Module 2it may give you some good ideas.)


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health system

Aligning healthcare spending more appropriately across the continuum presents financial and political challenges. Propose a plan to spend more on prevention and less on end-of-life care, and address the political challenges your plan will face. Incorporate challenges you would anticipate for the proposals, as well as arguments to overcome those challenges.

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health system

Quality, cost, and access are three pillars of the U.S. health system. Select three other attributes of our system and relate them to these three pillars. You may use the attributes provided by Shi and Singh for your selection options

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