
5-7 full pages (Not including References section or images)
4 ¾ pages will not meet length requirement

APA format
Do not include Author note, abstract, or section titles (except for

Times New Roman font


1-inch margins

12-point font

No quotations allowed

Indent each paragraph

Title page with your name & title of paper

No heading on first page of text

No extra spacing between paragraphs

.doc, .docx, or .pdf format

Paper written as a research paper and not a series of short-answer questions

Will only accept submissions to Canvas/Turnitin
Will not accept writing projects sent to me through email or Canvas
message attachments

Must work alone

Images can be included at the end of your paper, before references, but will
not be counted toward the length requirement

You will lose 15 points for every ½ page below or over the page limit in
addition to content & format grading
If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4-page paper (not
including images and References), you will get 100/130
If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4 ¾-page paper
(not including images and References), you will get 115/130
If you address every point fairly well, but turn in an 8-page paper (not
including images and References), you will get 100/130
If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 7 ¼-page paper
(not including images and References), you will get 115/130
If you address every point fairly well, but turn in a 4 ¼-page paper
(not including images and References), you will get 115/130

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