Review the following resources before beginning the assignment:

For this assignment:

  • Create a family genogram (three generations), including:
    • All the members of your family, identifying significant alliances among the various members.
    • The relationship you had as a child with each person.
    • Your relationship with each member now.
  • Cite and discuss at least two family systems theories to support the dynamics of the family genogram.
  • Ensure the genogram is neatly diagrammed and labeled.
  • See Family Therapy applied to the Case of Stan, Corey 9th ed., p p. 452–455, (7th ed., pp. 435–438) for an explanation of diagrammatic legends

A. Genogram: Provide a three-generation genogram of your family of origin ( with a copy of your paper), based on McGoldrick et al. (2008) (PDF) guidelines. ALSO, incorporate aspects of the Cultural Genogram (Hardy & Lasloffy, 1995)(PDF) by color-coding specific ethnic/cultural factors noted in your family. Cultural aspects can also be provided on a separate genogram, if you prefer.

B. In a separate document, provide a brief description of significant relationships and patterns among family members noted on your g enogram. ALSO, describe some of the connections you have made of patterns noted in your family of origin (as depicted on your g enogram) and your current significant relationships and behaviors with others. For example, are there patterns you observe in your current relationships that are connected to the background/context presented in your genogram?

C. Given some of the relational patterns, events, stressors, and descriptors noted in your genogram, please describe any potential “blinders” or “blind spots” that may get in the way of your practice with clients. In other words, are there certain issues (healthy or unhealthy, resolved or unresolved, functional or dysfunctional) that would impact your work with clients in ways that you need to be aware of?

D. No family is perfect or problem-free. All families struggle with issues, concerns, and transitions through time. Given what you have presented in your genogram and how you have described your family, discuss one area of concern that could be (or could have been) addressed in therapy. How would a Bowenian Natural Family Systems therapist go about addressing this issue in therapy? Make use of theoretical principles and interventions consistent with transgenerational thinking and practice.

E. Now that you have a broader understanding of your family by way of your genogram and your place within it, do you see yourself doing anything differently in relation to one or more members in your family? Would you like to interact differently or change your behavior in any way? What impact might this change in your behavior have on your family system?

NOTE: It is important to undertake this assignment with a degree of openness to learning about the subject matter and about yourself as a person in context. This paper will be graded on your degree of openness to learning about yourself in relation to your family, the accuracy of course concepts used in your genogram and paper, writing style, and systemic orientation. The instructor will be the only one to read your paper, and its contents will be held in strict confidence.


Brief knowledge about me-Myself(37) married to husband age 43 and we have 2 girls age 11 and 8.  My Dad-75, Mom-66, Maternal and Paternal grandparents are both deceased. I have 3 siblings, age Siblings 46, 43, 40. Uncles and aunties are older and in Africa. I have 2 aunties on my dad’s side age, 60 and 62 and 1 uncle on my moms side age 62. Growing up in Nigeria, all boys and some girls were circumsized according to the culture and norms. It was called female gential mutilation.  I would never consider circumsizing my 2 girls in this day and age. One area of concern for therapy in my family would be spanking.  Growing up, our parents spanked us with belts and all manner of items they could get their hands on, I would never consider doing that to my children as I still live with the emotional damage it has caused.


Please reach out with questions and utilize the readings. Thank you


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Family Systems Project

  • Create a family genogram (three generations), including:
  • Cite and discuss at least two family systems theories to support the dynamics of the family genogram.
  • Ensure the genogram is neatly diagrammed and labeled.
  • See Family Therapy applied to the Case of Stan, Corey 9th ed., p p. 452– 455, (7th ed., pp. 435– 438) for an explanation of diagrammatic legends

A. Genogram: Provide a three-generation genogram of your family of origin ( with a copy of your paper), based on McGoldrick et al. (2008) guidelines. ALSO, incorporate aspects of the Cultural Genogram (Hardy & Lasloffy, 1995) by color-coding specific ethnic/cultural factors noted in your family. Cultural aspects can also be provided on a separate genogram, if you prefer.


B. In a separate document, provide a brief description of significant relationships and patterns among family members noted on your genogram. ALSO, describe some of the connections you have made of patterns noted in your family of origin (as depicted on your genogram) and your current significant relationships and behaviors with others. For example, are there patterns you observe in your current relationships that are connected to the background/context presented in your genogram?


C. Given some of the relational patterns, events, stressors, and descriptors noted in your genogram, please describe any potential “blinders” or “blind spots” that may get in the way of your practice with clients. In other words, are there certain issues (healthy or unhealthy, resolved or unresolved, functional or dysfunctional) that would impact your work with clients in ways that you need to be aware of?


D. No family is perfect or problem-free. All families struggle with issues, concerns, and transitions through time. Given what you have presented in your genogram and how you have described your family, discuss one area of concern that could be (or could have been) addressed in therapy. How would a Bowenian Natural Family Systems therapist go about addressing this issue in therapy? Make use of theoretical principles and interventions consistent with transgenerational thinking and practice.


E. Now that you have a broader understanding of your family by way of your genogram and your place within it, do you see yourself doing anything differently in relation to one or more members in your family? Would you like to interact differently or change your behavior in any way? What impact might this change in your behavior have on your family system?


NOTE: It is important to undertake this assignment with a degree of openness to learning about the subject matter and about yourself as a person in context. This paper will be graded on your degree of openness to learning about yourself in relation to your family, the accuracy of course concepts used in your genogram and paper, writing style, and systemic orientation. The instructor will be the only one to read your paper, and its contents will be held in strict confidence.



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for this assignment you can make up the information

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