
Format and Content Requisites.

1-1 page minimum without the questions, single space, no spaces between paragraphs, 0.3 margins all around, type letter times new roman, font size 11. You cannot copy, you cannot quote or paste any image or graph with in the page content. The page must be 100% from you as the author. Images, pictures or graphs can be included at the end of the last page, including also the references. Any deviation from these instructions will penalize your grade.

2-You must answer the numbers below as are they described. This is not an essay, this is a business report requiring a series of questions to be answered. In order for the reader to be efficient while is reading your report, write the number first, then answer what is ask and nothing else, you can elaborate yes, but keep this rule simple, focus your answer to the question.

3-You must submit Word Document File and cannot exceed the 10% originality report inside the Safe Assign Black Board tool, if you don’t know this future you can ask OIT. My computer does not run any other program than Word, please not PDF files. If you submit a different type of files your grade will be ZERO.

4-The Black Board Safe assign score sometimes require hours to give you the score results, so be aware that if you submit the file and the originality report is above 10% you must modify and resubmit until it fulfills the maximum 10%. I will not grade any file with more than 10% originality report. Report above 10% originality score are graded with ZERO.

5-If you copy or paste any text, image or graph within the page content, you will have plagiarism issue, see the syllabus to understand the consequences of this action. Also, this report will be graded with ZERO. No quotations are allowed in this case report.

6-This is an extra report, you can do it if you want, it won’t affect negatively your grades nor you final.

Content and requisites of the Word file, no excel file is required this time.

1-Word document will discuss the following:

1-Explain why your firm perform differently compared with the near competitors. First, you need to understand the concept of performance, there are several measures to define performance, in terms of sales, in terms of market share, in terms of profits, in terms of gross profits. Identify at least 3 ways to define performance and compare with the competitors, you may need some additional reference to define this concept. Also, you need to define differently, what it means is out the measures selected to define performance which ones are moving up or down or in tandem. Finally why, will be the investigation of the factors affecting the measures selected (in regards performance) and the reasons of the variances, essentially you are going to find that all are related with the type of skills of labor, type of technology used to produce something or product innovation. Support your answer with real examples from your firm. This answer must take you no less than on 1/3 of the page.

2-Now take this scenario as the scenario that your firm is going to affront for the next 3 to 5 years. The US economy is going to be entered into economic recession, consumer demand is going to be reduced by 30%, us dollar is going to be devaluated against all currency exchanges by at least 30%. Local producers or buyers for import goods are going to pay 30% more just due to the currency devaluation. Government is going to raise import tariffs to all imported goods for at least 10%. Also all export goods produced here in America are going to pay 10% in export tariffs. This scenario is going to last between 3 and five years. Make your recommendations to your firm in term of prices, costs, investments, labor, strategy against your competitors and urgent decisions to take.

3-Now think in this scenario. The economy is going to be flat, just what it is now, but imports and exports tariffs are going to increased 30% all imported goods made outside USA. Exported goods are going to pay 10% in tariffs additionally. Make your recommendations to your firm in term of prices, costs, investments, labor, strategy against your competitors and decisions to take..

To address the last 2 questions, you need first to address the particular situation of your firm in regards the prices, costs, margins, expenses and investments. Some firms produce outside USA some not, be aware that this condition can change your answer; also, some firms import raw materials, some other not. Be sure you understand the way the firm operates in order to address the questions. The competitors conditions is also an important factor in your answers, be sure you address how the competitors are affecting your firm, in terms of prices, quality of products, places where they operate and brand power.

There will be a folder called EXTRA REPORT.

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