
Creed Review!

Great movies make you think and cause you to have strong opinions. After watching Creed it is time to take a stand on what you think of the movie.

In a 6-paragraph in-class essay, choose one of the topics to analyze the movie Creed.


1. Importance of Family:

How important is family to the success of the characters in Creed? Think about the lives of Adonis, Rocky, and Bianca. You can choose one character, or talk about multiple characters, but you must find a connection if you do more than one character. Please write an essay that clearly argues your position and uses information from the movie to support your position. Your thesis should be an answer to the prompt question.

2. Perseverance:

What does the movie Creed say about perseverance? As writer Christian Stallworth notes, “A common theme between the old “Rocky” movies and the new “Creed” is perseverance.” Please write an essay that clearly argues your position and uses information from the movie to support your position. Your thesis should be an answer to the prompt question

3. The Real Hero:

Who is the real hero of Creed? Is it Adonis? Rocky? Bianca? Please write an essay that clearly argues your position and uses information from the movie to support your position. Your thesis should be an answer to the prompt question.

4. Love:

Do Donny and Bianca make a good couple? Should they stay together? Break up? Your thesis should be an answer to the prompt question.

Essay Due Dates Banner.png

Outline: 11/19 at 10am on Canvas

In-class essay: 11/19! You must bring a blue book to class!

Homework/Journal Checklist #3: 11/19 at 10am in class

Please use a level 2 thesis!

Look over your free writes, journals, and quote activities from class.

Essay Requirements Banner-1.png

An introduction that provides context on the topic, eases the reader into your essay, and has a “hook” that grabs people’s attention

A thesis statement or controlling idea that takes a strong stand (Follow the topic + comment model, level 2 model! You will be graded down if you write a list thesis or use “I think” or “I believe.”)

Topic Sentences (Points): transition + topic + comment

Do not use the first person pronoun (I, we). Or, use it very rarely.

Body paragraphs that follow the PIE paragraph model (4 body paragraphs, a counterargument paragraph is optional).

Plenty of support from our text: Remember you must have a minimum of 4 total! 3 from the movie and one from one of the outside readings.

Quotes only count if they are in your body paragraphs.

For each quote, please use the quote sandwich model (Lead-in, quote, and analysis of quote) discussed in-class.

Some analysis of all your quotes.

A conclusion that wraps up your ideas.

Strong sentences that are both grammatically correct and sophisticated

Use proper MLA in-text citations and Works Cited entries.

6 paragraphs total. You will be graded down if you do not meet the minimum requirement.

Write in a blue book

Use pen and skip lines!

Have the proper MLA header in the left corner (see the syllabus for the MLA header). Incomplete headers will receive grade deductions.

Last name and page number on every page. Add these in with the “insert page number” function.

No extra spaces between paragraphs

Indent paragraphs

A title that is not GENERIC

Work Cited page!

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