Evaluate and establish

For your assignment this week, you will conduct a review of the research literature to evaluate and establish the importance of the problem you have chosen.  Remember, the problem you have chosen to review should specifically focus on the behavioral, cognitive, or emotional impact on the chosen population.  To begin, you will prepare a report that discusses the problem in depth and provides statistics showing the extent of the problem on national and regional levels.  Your report should include one to three figures or graphs that visually illustrate the extent of the problem.  The U.S. government, as well as some state and local governments, keep careful statistics of the incidence of behavior and psychological problems.  Different departments within the U.S. government keep statistics on problems, and on programs and research on the problem. (Use the APA style found in http://apastylecentral.apa.org

if you are designing your own Table/Chart.)

Remember, you must prove the topic you plan to review is one that affects the welfare of individuals. In addition, you must establish the extent of the problem you are addressing. For example, if you plan to investigate medical compliance in young adults aged 20-33, you must establish the extent of young adults who are ill and must take medications or follow a treatment regime. In addition, find out what the estimates of medical compliance for this group are; you might want to find which areas, genders, or ethnocultural groups are most involved in this problem. You must establish the cost of this problem in human suffering.

Include the following elements in your report:

  • What is the impact of non-compliance on the physical health of the person who does not implement the treatment regimen?
  • What is the extent of distress to family and loved ones?
  • What are the costs for insurance companies from medical visits?
  • Which aspects do not lead to solutions, sick days, and similar human and economic impact?

Understanding the importance of your problem will help you to establish the first part of your Signature Assignment. You should be able to take the work from this assignment and incorporate it into your Signature Assignment so that your audience understands the background of your topic and how your topic influences society.

In addition, while completing this assignment you might choose to review and/or add to your mind map.

Report Length: 2-3 pages including your data figures, not including title and reference pages

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