
1. Six (6) pages or so Double-spaced. I’m not looking for the amount of the content but the structure, grammar, and flow of the paper.

2. Correct grammar and sentence structure, as discussed in the Strunk & White.

3. Structure of the paper. This is why an outline is a good place to start. You’ll want to have:

a. an introductory paragraph which set the stage for the topic in general and specifically as to the content of the paper.

b. the body of the paper should contain the specific issues or points about the general topic that you mentioned in the introductory paragraph.

c. a concluding paragraph that re-summarizes the topic.

d. the best papers will contain a “hook” in the introductory paragraph–something to spark the reader’s interest. Also, something similar in the concluding paragraph.

e. there should be appropriate paragraph breaks.

Finally, look back over the Strunk & White and follow guidelines.

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