
2 parts

Part 1

Steps for Using Research:

1. 1. Choose your topic

2. 2. Brainstorm Ideas (Causes or Effects—depending on which topic you choose) that you already know about your topic. Remember, if you chose a Cause focused topic, you can brainstorm by asking yourself: WHY? If you chose an Effect focused topic, you can brainstorm by asking yourself: WHAT HAPPENS?

3. 3. Of these ideas, which seem to be the strongest? What main point do you feel you might be making by focusing on these ideas? (Hint: answering these questions will direct you to a tentative purpose and thesis). Write these causes or effects on the left side of your paper. (See below)

4. 4. Read your research packet through two times

5. 5. Fold your paper in half; on the left side, you should have your brainstormed ideas (cause/effect), and on the other side, write pieces of information from your research packet that could support that cause/effect. Keep in mind, the information from your research packet is NOT organized as cause/effect, and you may not even agree with what is said in the research packet. It is YOUR job as the scholar/writer, to think critically and cipher through the information and utilize it to suit your point.

Topic: Causes of Underage Drinking Question I am answering: Why do teens drink?

Write down 4-5 causes here (these should be your own thoughts/opinions. Write these down BEFORE you read your research packets):

  1. To cope with problems
  1. Peer Pressure

Supporting Evidence (quotes, paraphrases from your sources that support the causes you wrote on the left side)

  1. You would look through the research packets and find statistics, surveys, testimony to support that teens drink to cope with problems, and you would write the quote or paraphrase here. You want to find at least two pieces of evidence. You also want to write down any personal examples that you have for supporting evidence too! (just make sure you write your personal examples in 3rd person:


Unacceptable: I remember watching Vampire Diaries and everyone was drinking underage.

Acceptable: Many teens remember the common occurrence of teen drinking in the popular television series Vampire Diaries.

Part 2

Length: Minimum: 4 full pages (5 pages with the Works Cited page)

Format: MLA One-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced

  1. Research Paper Reminders:
    1. Research Writing is limited to 3rd person. When you use personal experience or examples to support your claim, make sure you use a 3rd person voice. For example:

    Incorrect: I remember watching Vampire Diaries, where underage drinking is portrayed as so normal, I did not even acknowledge it.Correct: Many adolescent viewers may remember watching Vampire Diaries, where underage drinking is portrayed as so normal that viewers do not even consciously acknowledge it.

    1. The thesis statement for Causal Analysis should state the cause effect relationship. Use the sample thesis statements in blackboard and in your textbook as guides.
    2. Understand that a body paragraph for research essays still have the same organization of any other body paragraph. It is just that for research essays, some of your major supporting details are pieces of evidence from articles. Scholars (which is what you now are) use evidence as supporting details to strengthen their opinions/claims.
    3. When using in-text citations make sure that you IQC
      1. This means body paragraphs should neither begin nor end with a quote. Body paragraphs should always begin with a topic sentence. For this essay, each topic sentence should state the cause or effect and its importance to your overall claim.
      2. This also means that you should never have quotes stacked.
      3. This also means that you can not use one introduction for multiple quotes/paraphrases
    4. IQC = Introduce: the author, credentials, and signal phrase

    Quote: provide the quote, paraphrase, or hybrid Comment: explain, elaborate, and/or connect the purpose of the evidence to your point/claim

    1. Titles of articles should use MLA capitalization and be in quotation marks
    2. Make sure that you use a citation guide (use your textbook) for your in-text citations and for your Works Cited page.

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