
please check the attached files, i would like to edit the recommendation file with the below instructions and do a highlight for the searching sources.

for the editing

Report Formatting and Miscellaneous

Make sure that your report meets all of these requirements:

  • 12 point Times New Roman typestyle
  • Single space within each paragraph
  • Double spaced between each paragraph
  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • No indented first line of each paragraph
  • 800-900 words (not including the References section)
  • Report title; “Recommendation Report” is not an appropriate title
  • Your name typed in the upper left hand corner of the report
  • Pages numbered
  • Quote(s) or paraphrase(s)—each with correct APA citations (author, year, page)
  • References section at the end of the report
  • 1 to 3 research sources:
    • 1 source: 1 quote required.
    • 2 sources: 1 quote and 1 paraphrase required.
    • 3 sources: 2 quotes and 1 paraphrase required.
  • At least one figure with correctly-formatted APA caption
  • At least one table with correctly-formatted APA caption

for the sourcing (you will find the links in the attached files):

Here are two ways to turn each database source information into an electronic file for submission:

  • Print and Scan:
    1. Print a copy of the source.
    2. Highlight, circle, or underline the section that you quoted or paraphrased.
    3. Run the printed copies through a scanner and scan them as a PDF file.
    4. Submit the PDF file in the research essay dropbox.
  • Copy and Paste:
    1. Using your mouse, “copy” the source information.
    2. “Paste” the information into an MS Word file.
    3. Highlight or underline the section that you quoted or paraphrased.
    4. Save the file and submit it in the research essay dropbox.

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