Double-Speak is a book written by William Lutz who works at the Rutgers University as an English Professor


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Double Speak

Double-Speak is a book written by William Lutz who works at the Rutgers University as an English Professor. He believes that the use of Double speak is meant to deceive people. For example, the word ‘Physical Education’ refers to ‘Human Kinetics’ as well as ‘Pot holes’ that refers to ‘Pavement Deficiencies’. He believes that double speak should be eradicated from issues that are vital, as the result is disastrous. The advertising industry and government are fond of using double speak. Double speak is referred to as euphemisms that disguise the true meaning of words. George Orwell is referred to as the founder of double speak that he first introduced in ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ a novel written by him. Moreover, Orwell believes that implications of a political nature exist when double speak is used in matters that affect people (Lutz, 1989. 232).

There are many instances in life whereby, I encounter double speak and it is used mostly in people’s work places. Most times, there is a need to visit government offices in an attempt to obtain services. Government agencies tend to be bureaucratic, and the employees often behave as they like. While enquiring about the process of obtaining a license for my business, the employees at the office often engaged in double speak. They were having a discussion about developing nations, which they were referring to as poor countries. Furthermore, they insisted that the United States is not doing a lot to help African countries to alleviate poverty. If, this matter progresses any further, it might be lead to problems that will affect the American government. If African countries get to know that they are being referred to as poor countries they will not be pleased. The relations between African countries and America will be strained causing more problems in the future.

Lutz comments that “double speak has become so common in everyday living that many people fail to notice it (Lutz, 1989. 234)”. This is extremely evident from the above scenario that I witnessed while at the government office. He gives an example of when people go to offices, and they are told that they have to ensure that their packages are in perfect condition. In reality, this means that by ensuring the packages are in excellent condition, the other person who provides the packages benefits. Double speak affects me in many ways, as it sometimes makes issues have negative aspects. For example, when referring to African countries as poor countries, gives a negative view of Africa. It is not right to refer to the latter in that manner if nothing is being done to assist African countries to develop.

President Obama has also used Double Speak in many of his speeches. For example, in his recent address concerning economic recovery he referred to it as reviving and improving the economy. Lutz comments that “double speak is insidious because it can affect and eventually destroy the function of language” (Lutz, 1989. 245). This means that people should be careful when using double speak as it involves talking to many people. People often interpret things they have heard in many ways, thus the need to avoid double speak in their conversations. In conclusion, people need to be careful on how they use double speak. This is because it has the ability of making issues appear to have negative aspects. Lutz advocates for people to communicate effectively and not to use double speak.

Work Cited

Lutz, William D. Doublespeak: From “Revenue Enhancement” to “Terminal Living”: How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You. New York: HYPERLINK “” o “Harper & Row” Harper & Row, 1989. Print.

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