
Analyze a music video released in 1970 or after. The choice of video is entirely yours. You may approach this assignment more or less any way you like, but should work toward a provocative, compelling interpretation. If at all possible, you should resist the urge to analyze your video (as even scholars often do) as if it were a silent movie, attending only to imagery. That is, incorporate some handling of the music in your paper if at all possible and appropriate.

Your paper should be between 3 and 5 pages (typed, double-spaced, no larger than 12-point font). Pages should be numbered, and citations should take the “Notes and Bibliography” form described in the Chicago Manual of Style, with footnotes at the bottom of each page and a bibliography of all works cited (which does not factor into your page count!) at the end of your paper (the moodle page provides a link to a CMS website that will answer many basic questions about this style). Song titles should appear in quotation marks (not in italics), album titles in italics (without quotation marks).

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