
Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other students Mia Pullom and Shawn ANDERSON for both responses.

1. Learning from the past isn’t always about what happened to YOU. You can also learn from others’ experiences. Tell the class about a time in your life where you experienced success. How can you draw upon that experience to boost your confidence when faced with future workplace challenges? Then, respond to one or more of your classmates and tell them how you can use what you learned from their experience.

2. “Privacy” Debate It – Take a position on this statement: You have zero privacy. Get over it. Support your views with one or two reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

Mia Pullom

Learning from the past isn’t always about what happened to YOU. You can also learn from others’ experiences. Tell the class about a time in your life where you experienced success. How can you draw upon that experience to boost your confidence when faced with future workplace challenges? Then, respond to one or more of your classmates and tell them how you can use what you learned from their experience.

I had a lot of experiences that had a good outcome. The one that stand out and the most and rememberable to me. Was when I was sixteen years old and I work for this movie company called Bijou7. My job title was to tear the ticket off and point customer to the direction where the movie will be playing. This when I found out what’s really my profession. I came into work on my off day to come see 3:10 to Yuma with my mom as approaching our movie, it was a handicap man in front of me heading to the same movie and while me and my mom was walking and talk somehow the handicap man was on the floor, out his wheel chair and by his legs being paralyzed they was twisted weird position. Customer kept walking by didn’t even acknowledge the handicap man. The handicap man wasn’t asking for help, but he was trying to get back in the wheelchair. I approached him calmly so he would get scared because I’m approaching him from behind and asked if I could help him in his wheelchair and to his seat. The man shook his head and said yes.

Movie ended and I didn’t see the man leave or walking out the movies. When I got to my car it was a envelope on my car and it said “I’m a regular at the movie theatre.” “I lost my wife in a car accident, I just want to give you recognition on your great customer service, personality and your smile every characteristic about you reminds me of my wife and the big heart she had in helping others”. Your smile is what keeps me, and others keep coming back.” Ps “the man that you help was my uncle and he didn’t get the chance to say how much he appreciate you and what you did for him he apologize for saying it then because how embarrassed he was.” From that day forward I seen my purpose in life and what I was passionate about. From that day on I started working for group home and nursing homes and still currently doing. So, I can give people hopes and smiles and turn their days from negative to positive. Just from that experience alone it gave me confidence and made me see who I really am.


RE: Week 6 | Discussion

Hello everyone,

  • Debate It – Take a position on this statement: You have zero privacy. Get over it. Support your views with one or two reasons and examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

However, is this a good thing? Is it okay for us to be apathetic or accepting of our loss of privacy? Is privacy that important? After all, isn’t it true that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?

The answer is yes, and no. If the violation of privacy is done in service of the greater good, if it leads to increased protection for individuals at risk, then yes, violation of privacy can easily be argued to be a good thing. This is why I have a little problem (besides the inconvenience) with things like increased airport security or border controls. However, if the violation of privacy is done in service of greater control, not the greater good, then no, the violation of privacy cannot be seen as a good thing.

Privacy is a debate about who gets to control information. Information is a powerful thing; it is the root of our modern pursuit of knowledge and authority. In our modern democratic age, whoever controls information controls power. The problem, of course, is that those in power do not always use the information to serve the greater good. This is why privacy is important and why individuals should be given a certain amount of freedom from coercion, manipulation, prejudice, exploitation, or unfair judgment. Privacy, in essence, protects those who cannot protect themselves. When we speak about privacy, we must always ask for who is greater good is our personal information used for. Is it the greater good of national security, or the greater good of private companies. Without privacy, you could be monitored to go exactly where the one in control wants you. With that being said we would all know where we were meant to go and who the one controlling the thing is but we wouldn”t be able to oppose it. With zero privacy its the same treatment and same path for everyone.

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