
We assume that you are well launched on your literature review draft preparation. At this point, we would like to identify any general issues about the content of the course – specifically, the cases – that you are unclear about or would like further discussion of. Identify at least two major issues arising from the cases that you think deserve further discussion, and say why you believe this is so.

Have a crack at answering questions posed by your colleagues, or at least suggesting places they might go to get further information about resolving their questions. Help one another out as you study the course materials.

Module 4 – Background

Disruptive Innovation

Video material


Required Reading

Litman, T. (2017) Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions: Implications for Transport Planning. Victoria Transport Policy Institute. Retrieved on October 21, 2017, from http://leempo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/M09.pdf

Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. (2019 Spring). Nondisruptive creation: Rethinking innovation and growth. MIT Sloan Management Review, 60(3), 46-55. Retrieved from ProQuest datab

King, A. A. & Baatartogtokh, B. (2015) How Useful Is the Theory of Disruptive Innovation? MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/60e8/86aed65be4c6eecad9a27117a0c635bffaff.pdf

Allen, M. (2015) Disruptive Innovation and the Impact of Fully Autonomous Vehicles on the Auto Insurance Industry. Kalamazoo College. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from https://cache.kzoo.edu/bitstream/handle/10920/30405/Allen-MichaelSIP.pdf?sequence=1

Nagy, D., Schuessler, J. & Dubinsky, A. (2015) Defining and identifying disruptive innovations. Industrial Marketing Management. Retrieved October 21, 2017, from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joseph_Schuessler/publication/299413364_Defining_and_identifying_disruptive_innovations/links/5754617908ae17e65eccc99c/Defining-and-identifying-disruptive-innovations.pdf

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