Discuss the issue of herd immunity and the risks in our modern society related to refusal to provide vaccinations.

Our knowledge and understanding of the various forms of lymphocytes continue to expand. Our initial discussion this week will be on the various forms of B and T cells — each of us should take one class of lymphocytes and explain it’s role in the adaptive immune process. As you comment on other students’ postings be sure to add additional insight into the mechanisms of the subclass of cell and its interactions with both components of the innate and other aspects of the adaptive immune system.

Vaccinations – Friend or Foe (graded)
Recently a number of individuals have claimed that adjuvants, such as thymersol in vaccines, lead to the development of a variety of disorders, such as autism. Although these initial claims have not been substantiated and have since been withdrawn from the scientific literature, the concern continues today. How would you counsel parents concerning vaccination? Discuss the issue of herd immunity and the risks in our modern society related to refusal to provide vaccinations.

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