Describe your personal philosophy of nursing.

Nursing homework help

Coppin State University

College of Health Professions

Helene Fuld School of Nursing

NURS 216 Philosophy of Nursing Criteria & Grading Rubric






Each student will develop their personal philosophy of nursing. The philosophy of nursing must include the theoretical framework used to develop this philosophy and the rationale for its selection. The nursing philosophy will be complete with the use of all four metaparadigms. See grading rubric below. All writings must be in APA format and submitted to Turnitin by the due date. A hard copy must be presented to course faculty in class.


FormatPossible PointsEarned PointsComments
Paper must be written in APA style format:

  • use references when appropriate


Describe your personal philosophy of nursing.30  
Identify the theoretical framework(s) that influences your personal philosophy of nursing

  • Provide rationale for your selection
Include your personal definition of the four major concepts of the nursing metaparadigm in your personal philosophy of nursing.

The Metaparadigms are:


·         Human beings10  
·        Health10  
·         Nursing10  
·         Environment10  
Total Points100  

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