Content analysis on leadership and management 2

Answer the following questions in a different color font or bold or italicize your text (pick one to differentiate your answers from the questions

Part III 

All nurses are leaders. A leader is anyone who uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal.  As with management, leadership may be formal (someone that has a “legitimate authority conferred by the organization” leadership role), or informal (does not have an organizational leadership/management specific title). An example of informal leadership is a staff nurse whose thoughtful ideas influence workflow and whose knowledge and personal skills convince others to follow specific paths to accomplish patient outcomes. 

Multiple theories exist that provide a framework for leadership success in varied situations. Based on a review of the “leadership theory” information, identify the leadership theory that is represented by the below summary definitions and state why this specific theory is applicable for nurse leaders (whether staff RN’s or formal authority leaders).

Note that we are looking for specific answers for each part a) item based on the text content and definitions. You may answer b) based on your opinions and experience (one or two sentences only needed for answer to number b). 

1.      Definition: Influence and motivate others by building relationships and developing the skills of individual team members. Skills include empathy, awareness, and commitment to the growth of others. a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

      b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

2.      Definition: A superior “traditional boss” makes the decisions with little or no input from subordinates. Relies on the power of organizational position and formal authority to reward and punish performance.

     a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

3.      Definition: Involves personal competence, which includes self-management, self-awareness, and social competence; job skills and required competencies can be learned or developed.

     a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

4.      Definition: Based on the concepts of chaos theory; “Reality and levels of complexity are constantly changing; roles are fluid and outcome oriented and change is expected. a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

5.      Definition: Based on the empowerment principles of participative and transformational leadership; essential leadership characteristics are relationships, dialogue, partnerships, and boundary management. a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

6.      Definition: Promotes complete freedom for decisions. Characteristics include permissive and fosters freedom. a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

7.      Definition: “Mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders”; leaders need to be willing to embrace change, reward staff, and lead through vision. a). What is the theory represented by this definition? 

     b). Why/how is this theory applicable for nurses?

Part IV  Emotional Intelligence 

1.      What is emotional intelligence?

2.      What are the five characteristics of emotional intelligence? Describe each.

3.      What are four ways you can improve your emotional intelligence?




Go to Leadership and Management Competence in Nursing Practice: Competencies, Skills, Decision-Making (Links to an external site.) read Ch 3 pages 31-35, page 44 starting at Followership to page 47.

Emotional Intelligence  (Links to an external site.)

– Leadership Styles.ppt



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