Content analysis on leadership and management 1

Content analysis on leadership and management

Answer the following questions in a different color font or bold or italicize your text (pick one to differentiate your answers from the questions)

Part I 

1.     Think about a person who you believe to be a good leader. What are the 5 qualities that make you think highly of that person’s leadership ability? Refer to Gardner’s Tasks of Leadership.

2.     Relate a story or incident in which you believed this person demonstrated these leadership strengths.

3.     Identify a person you believe to be a good manager.  What are the management skills that make you think highly of that person’s management skills? Refer to chapter 3.

4.     Relate a story that demonstrates his/her management skills.

5.     Do you know someone who is a good follower? What are the qualities that make you think highly of that person’s follower-ship ability? Refer to chapter 3.

6.     Relate a story or incident that demonstrates these abilities.

Part II 

1.     All nurses’ jobs include some aspects of management, whether a staff RN or a nurse executive. Staff RN’s, for example, manage/coordinate the care their patients receive that is provided by other disciplines. Compare the roles of staff nurses and individuals that have defined, legitimate authority “manager” positions. Complete the “Examples of Management Functions” chart by describing one or more job activities a staff RN and Clinical Manager/Unit Manager would do. Your answers should illustrate that you understand the difference between a staff RN that incorporates management skills in his/her daily work, as compared to a manager in a “legitimate authority/formal management position”. Answers may vary based on your specific experience and what you have learned from required reading. Answers should also include substantive content (at least 2 to 3 sentences for EACH answer).

Examples of Management Functions

Function                                                            Staff RN                                                  Clinical Manager/Unit Manager






2.     Ms. Innovative is responsible for the managerial oversight of a 16 bed ICU. Her responsibilities include 24/7 accountability for the unit. She is responsible for directing, controlling, staffing, and the overall management of the 16 bed ICU. Ms. Innovative reports to the Chief Nursing Officer/VP of Nursing.

Briefly (in a few sentences) describe whether Ms. Innovative needs to have leadership skills, management skills, or a combination of both leadership and management skills to succeed in her job/role? If you feel she needs to have both leadership and management talent, talk about what % of her job/role would likely involve leading versus managing.




Go to Leadership and Management Competence in Nursing Practice: Competencies, Skills, Decision-Making (Links to an external site.) read Ch 3 pages 31-35, page 44 starting at Followership to page 47.

Go to Emotional Intelligence  (Links to an external site.)watch the video and read the content 

– Leadership Styles.ppt




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