
Research the following if your plan is entrepreneurial:

  1. Balance sheet
  1. Income statement
  1. Statement of cash flow
  1. Fixed and variable expenses
  1. Startup expenses
  1. Breakeven analysis

Research the following if your plan is a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan:

  1. Balance sheet
  1. Income statement
  1. Statement of cash flow
  1. Fixed and variable expenses
  1. A projected budget
  1. Breakeven analysis

Complete the “Projected Financial Statement Analysis (Pro Forma 3-Year Financial Plan)”including the “Questions” tab, “12 Month P& L” tab, “Year 1” tab, Year 2 P&L” tab, and “Year 3 P&L” tab.The first year is monthly and the second and third year are presented quarterly.Please note the questions in the “Questions” tab may be answered at different points in completing the Profit and Loss information.

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