Watch Vox’s “What people miss about the gender wage gap” and Mona Chalabi’s “3 ways to spot a bad statistic”. Use what you learn from these videos to guide your reading of June O’Neill’s (2003) article “Catching up: The gender gap in wages, circa 2000” (it can be found in the folder “course readings”.

Watch Vox’s “What people miss about the gender wage gap” and Mona Chalabi’s “3 ways to spot a bad statistic”. Use what you learn from these videos to guide your reading of June O’Neill’s (2003) article “Catching up: The gender gap in wages, circa 2000” (it can be found in the folder “course readings”.

For this activity, I would like you to create a Post-It note size summary of O’Neill’s paper that includes a summary (try to keep it to one single sentence) and the evidence used (look at where her data is coming from, and consider answer Chalabi’s three questions).

O’Neill’s article is difficult, but it is also poorly done, which is why I selected it for this assignment. So if you don’t like it as you read it, good! You just have to figure out why so that you can explain what she did poorly. Further instructions on your Article Analysis paper can be found in the folder “assignment guidelines”.

MLA style

2 pages

Write a minimum 850-word (or more if necessary) for a good literary essay.

  • Read Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee in its entirety before beginning your paper. Take notes as you read. Mark some interesting passages and save necessary source information (such as page numbers) for your in-text documentation and your Works Cited list.
  • Do not simply repeat or summarize the story. 
    • Write your well-constructed thesis, topic sentences, supporting details roughly before beginning.
  • Do some research. It’s important to know a bit about apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa before you begin the paper. Take notes and save necessary source information for your Works Cited list. 
    • Use at least two outside sources from scholarly sites or journals.
    • Write a minimum 850-word (or more if necessary) for a good literary essay.
    • Use formal language and the third person, avoiding personal anecdotes and eliminating all references to yourself at all (I believe, in my opinion, etc).
  • Revise, edit, and proofread, proofread, proofread. It’s easy to make mistakes. Correct them before you submit your paper.  

The complications of obesity are more apparent in adolescents

Article: Barriers and enablers for adopting lifestyle behavior changes in adolescents with obesity, a multi-center qualitative study.

According to world health organization (WHO), more than 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016. The complications of obesity are more apparent in adolescents. Adolescent with obesity are at risk for conditions including cardiovascular disease, depression, low self-esteem, diabetes, hypertension and psychological and social problems. Obesity have a negative impact on the individual, family and health care cost. To explore barriers and enablers influencing the adoption of lifestyle behaviors changes among adolescents receiving multidisciplinary clinical care for obesity management, researchers use purposeful sampling which means they select participants who will provide specific information according to research questions. The researchers selected individuals base on the characteristics of the population and specific objective of the study.

Two sites that were used to collect data to conduct this study are: PCWH (Pediatric Center for Weight and Health) and Center for Healthy Active Living (CHAL: Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON). The researchers recruited adolescent between 13-17 years of age with Body mass index (BMI) more than or equal to 85th percentile and have been on weight management for three months or more at PCHW or CHAL, which indicates they have spent some time reflecting on their health behaviors and working with healthcare providers on weight management. To recruit samples the researchers displayed posters on each of the clinic waiting rooms and the administrative, clinical research staffs identified eligible adolescents/families from clinic data base who were then contacted through phone or in person to assess their interest. Interested adolescents were offered several dates and times to chose from to participate in the study. Most of the adolescent’s participants were female, Caucasian, Anglophone, who were living with severe obesity.

The research provides useful evidence to tailor interventions on healthcare services regarding obesity, a focus on psychological well-being, to support adolescent with obesity in making and maintaining appropriate healthy behavior changes.

The sampling methods had flaws in that Voluntary participants were offered incentives to participate on the survey and they were only a small percentage of the population and not diverse.


Barriers and enablers for adopting lifestyle behavior changes in adolescents with obesity: A multi-Centre, qualitative study

Grand Canyon University. (2018). Applied Statistics for Health Care. Population and sampling distributions. Retrieved from

Article Title: Perinatal Mental Health Care from the User and Provider perspective: Protocol for a Qualitative Study in Switzerland.


Postpartum depression is a common mental health disorder that women can experience after birth. While we study and discuss postpartum depression a lot, we sometimes forget about other mental health disorders for mothers such as anxiety, psychotic disorders and drug abuse. This study looks at women with different mental health disorders to help improve the care they receive.

In order to effectively produce this study, researches chose two sample groups women who have had perinatal mental disorders and healthcare professionals who treat these patients. Using these two samples allows us to study this topic from the view of the patient, as well as the view of the provider. There are several criteria points that both the mother/patient and the healthcare provider must meet.

For the mother, she must have perinatal mental disorder (PMD) within the last 24 months, have recovered from the PMD and been stable for at least 12 months and have received a diagnosis from one of the following groups: mood disorders (such as anxiety), disorders of adult personality and behavior, mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substances and psychosis and delusional disorders. The recruitment process for these women involve the hospital collecting patients that meet this criteria and calling them to ask if they would like to participate in the study. If they say yes, they must participate in two-hour interview and questionnaire.

For the health care provider, they must have at minimum 2 years of professional experience and have cared for at least 2 patients with a perinatal mental disorder. Healthcare providers are recruited through professional associations, communities and networks.

The sampling process for this research study is effective because it allows mothers with a perinatal mental disorder and the health care providers who treat them to be involved in the improvement of their care. It is completely voluntary by both parties and the mothers are recovered and not currently suffering from a PMD, causing the study to be more accurate.



Berger, A., Schenk, K., Ging, A., Walther, S., & Cignacco, E. (n.d.). Perinatal mental health care from the user and provider perspective: protocol for a qualitative study in Switzerland. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, 17(1).

Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

WK8 Advanced Patho Assign. 2 pages, at least 3 citations and 3 matching references

Case Study Analysis Assignment:

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

· Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

· Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

· How these processes interact to affect the patient.

Scenario 1: 74-year-old male with a history of hypertension and smoking, is having dinner with his wife when he develops sudden onset of difficulty speaking, with drooling from the left side of his mouth, and weakness in his left hand. His wife asks him if he is all right and the patient denies any difficulty. His symptoms progress over the next 10 minutes until he cannot lift his arm and has trouble standing. The patient continues to deny any problems. The wife sits the man in a chair and calls 911. The EMS squad arrives within 5 minutes. Upon arrival in the ED, patient‘s blood pressure was 178/94, pulse 78 and regular, PaO2 97% on room air. Neuro exam – Cranial nerves- Mild left facial droop. Motor- Right arm and leg extremity with 5/5 strength. Left arm cannot resist gravity, left leg with mild drift. Sensation intact. Neglect- Mild neglect to left side of body. Language- Expressive and receptive language intact.

Mild to moderate dysarthria. Able to protect airway.

Case Study_Assignment_Rubric

Develop a 2-page case study analysis, examining the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following: Explain both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of why the patient presents these symptoms.

28 (28%) – 30 (30%)

The response accurately and thoroughly describes the patient symptoms. The response includes accurate, clear, and detailed explanations of both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of patients who present these symptoms and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The response describes the patient symptoms. The response includes accurate, explanations of both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of patients who present these symptoms and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

23 (23%) – 24 (24%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague or inaccurate. The response includes explanations of both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of patients who present these symptoms and is supported by explanations that are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

0 (0%) – 22 (22%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague and inaccurate, or the description is missing. The response does not include explanations of both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes of patients who present these symptoms, or the explanations are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Explain how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient.

28 (28%) – 30 (30%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

23 (23%) – 24 (24%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

0 (0%) – 22 (22%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of how the highlighted processes interact to affect the patient, with explanations that are based on inappropriate or missing evidence/research.

Explain any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

The response includes an accurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning and is supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

18 (18%) – 19 (19%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, and/or explanations that are based on inappropriate evidence/research.

0 (0%) – 17 (17%)

The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning, or the explanations are based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization: Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time. The purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet they are brief and not descriptive.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time. The purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time. No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct APA format with no errors.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.

Total Points: 100


McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

· Chapter 15: Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (stop at Aging and the nervous system)

· Chapter 16: Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function (stop at Sleep); Summary Review

· o Chapter 17: Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function; pp. 504–511, pp. 516–530 (start at Acute confusional states and delirium) (stop at Alterations in neuromotor functions); (Parkinson’s Disease); Summary Review

· Chapter 18: Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction (stop at Degenerative disorders of the spine); (start at Cerebrovascular disorders) (stop at Tumors of the central nervous system); Summary Review

· Chapter 44: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System (stop at Components of muscle function); Summary Review

· Chapter 45: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function (stop at Bone tumors); (start at Disorders of joints); Summary Review

Chin, L. S. (2018). Spinal cord injuries. Retrieved from

Post a description of how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient in the scenario. Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis and prescription of treatment for that patient. 

Cardiovascular Alterations

At least once a year, the media report on a seemingly healthy teenage athlete collapsing during a sports game and dying of heart complications. These incidents continue to outline the importance of physical exams and health screenings for teenagers, especially those who play sports. During these health screenings, examiners check for cardiovascular alterations such as heart murmurs because they can be a sign of an underlying heart disorder. Since many heart alterations rarely have symptoms, they are easy to miss if health professionals are not specifically looking for them. Once cardiovascular alterations are identified in patients, it is important to refer them to specialists who can further investigate the cause.

Consider the following scenario:

A 16-year-old male presents for a sports participation examination. He has no significant medical history and no family history suggestive of risk for premature cardiac death. The patient is examined while sitting slightly recumbent on the exam table and the advanced practice nurse appreciates a grade II/VI systolic murmur heard loudest at the apex of the heart. Other physical findings are within normal limits, the patient denies any cardiovascular symptoms, and a neuromuscular examination is within normal limits. He is cleared with no activity restriction. Later in the season he collapses on the field and dies.

To Prepare

Review the scenario provided, as well as Chapter 25 in the Huether and McCance text. Consider how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient.

Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, ethnicity, or behavior. Reflect on how the factor you selected might impact diagnosis and prescription of treatment for the patient in the scenario.

Post a description of how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment for the patient in the scenario. Then explain how the factor you selected might impact the diagnosis and prescription of treatment for that patient.

Required Readings

** Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2017). Understanding pathophysiology (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Chapter 23, “Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems”

This chapter examines the circulatory system, heart, systemic circulation, and lymphatic system to establish a foundation for normal cardiovascular function. It focuses on the structure and function of various parts of the circulatory system to illustrate normal blood flow.

Chapter 24, “Alterations of Cardiovascular Function”

This chapter presents the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment of various cardiovascular disorders. It focuses on diseases of the veins and arteries, disorders of the heart wall, heart disease, and shock.

Chapter 25, “Alterations of Cardiovascular Function in Children”

This chapter examines cardiovascular disorders that affect children. It distinguishes congenital heart disease from acquired cardiovascular disorders.

** Hammer, G. G. , & McPhee, S. (2014). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine. (7th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Chapter 11, “Cardiovascular Disorders: Vascular Disease”

This chapter begins with an overview of the vascular component of the cardiovascular system and how the cardiovascular system is normally regulated. It then describes three common vascular disorders: atherosclerosis, hypertension, and shock.

**American Heart Association. (2012). Retrieved from 

**Million Hearts. (2012). Retrieved from 

**National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2012). Retrieved from

Instructor Requirements

As advanced practice nurses, we are scholars, nurse researchers and scientists. As such, please use Peer-Reviewed scholarly articles and websites designed for health professionals (not designed for patients) for your references. Students should be using the original citation in Up

to Date and go to that literature as a reference. The following are examples (not all inclusive) of resources/websites deemed inadmissible for scholarly reference:

1. Up to Date (must use original articles from Up to Date as a resource)

2. Wikipedia

3. non healthcare professionals section



– This work should have  Introduction and  Conclusion

– It should have at least 3 current references

– APA format

– At least 2 pages, references page not included

Have you ever filled out a form and come upon a question asking for the amount of your annual household income?

Due 7/16  9 p.m EST

400 words not including title and ref ,in 3 APA

Have you ever filled out a form and come upon a question asking for the amount of your annual household income? How did you respond to this question? If you have never encountered this question, consider how you might respond to such a personal inquiry.

For this Discussion, think about sensitive information you might need to gather through a survey. Consider how you would develop survey questions appropriate for eliciting responses from potentially reluctant participants. Think about which data collection methods might be most successful in collecting valid data.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of a research topic that would involve gathering sensitive information. Construct three survey questions that you might use to gather this sensitive information. Identify the study population you have chosen, and explain your rationale for how the survey questions are constructed. Explain potential challenges to accurate and reliable data collection of sensitive information from this population, including the strengths and limitations of different data collection methods (e.g., telephone interviews or web-based surveys).

Then, think back on your own experience and past perspective as you engage in the discussion.


Review Miriam’s story as recorded in Exodus 2:1-10, 15:20-21 and Numbers 12, 20:1-2; and review The Blue Parakeet chapter 12. Then, think back on your own experience and past perspective as you engage in the discussion.


  • What about Miriam’s story surprises you?
  • How does reading Miriam’s story within the context of the events surrounding Exodus and Deuteronomy inform your understanding of her role in history?
  • How can you apply this ancient story to your life today

Lack of patient’s health compliance of diabetic patients as a health issues

Lack of patient’s health compliance of diabetic patients as a health issues, create a case report and discuss the following (600-800 words)

Introduction with a problem statement (lack of health compliance of diabetics)
Brief synthesized review. (use online nursing journal within 5 years)
Description of the case/situation/conditions.
Proposed solutions describing the validity and reliability of the research you have read.
Choose a nursing journal where you would want to publish this case study and explain why you choose that nursing journal
What are some barriers in translating research into practice

Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Assume that each listed metal can cause respiratory irritation. Use the equation in 1910.1000(d)(2)(i) to calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above.

1.) Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes. Please see attached document for sampling results.

Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.

Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Assume that each listed metal can cause respiratory irritation. Use the equation in 1910.1000(d)(2)(i) to calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an OSHA PEL or an ACGIH TLV.

Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.

2.) Choose an operation for a workplace where you once worked or with which you are familiar where either chemical hazards or noise exposures were present. If you have never worked in a location where chemical hazards or noise are present, read about some examples on OSHA’s website and choose one that interests you. Complete the following tasks in a minimum two-page (500 word) essay: 

· Summarize the steps you would take to perform a hazard assessment of your chosen operation. Make sure you list the chemical hazards or noise hazards that are present using the example hazard assessment from OSHA’s website or one with which you are already familiar.

·  Discuss the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for controlling occupational hazards in relation to the operation you chose. 

·  Choose one hazard that you identified. The hazard can be a chemical or noise hazard. Summarize how you would evaluate employee exposures to the hazard. Include information about any sampling method you would use, how many samples you would collect, the types of samples you would collect (e.g., personal or area, TWA or short-term), and to which standards you would apply the results. 

· Assume there are several results indicating that employees are exposed to levels exceeding the applicable OSHAPEL. Using OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls, summarize the control methods you would employ to reduce the risk for employees to an acceptable level. Your summary should include examples from each level of OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls with a discussion of why you think the control would or would not be an effective method for reducing the exposure to an acceptable level. 

· Discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the control methods you chose, both in the short-term and for the next 5 years.

Your essay must be in APA format, and include a minimum of two sources.

Choose one of the emerging technologies explored in the previous assignment(Cloud computing or Artificial intelligence). This will be the technology that you focus on for this assignment. Find as much research and information as you can about how other organizations are utilizing this technology, how it’s being developed, what is expected, etc… 


Choose one of the emerging technologies explored in the previous assignment(Cloud computing or Artificial intelligence). This will be the technology that you focus on for this assignment. Find as much research and information as you can about how other organizations are utilizing this technology, how it’s being developed, what is expected, etc…

You will complete a literature matrix regarding the research that you’ve found. You should expect to spend time reading, reviewing, and aligning scholarly articles and materials that you find regarding your technology.

The Literature Matrix:

The literature matrix is a document that assists in the organization of references that you find useful for your research paper. It helps to document key aspects of your literature so that you can quickly reference it later. An example of a literature matrix format that you need to use for this assignment is attached. A template is also provided. Please be sure to use this template.

The matrix must be completed in full – see the example for exemplary completion of a reference on the literature matrix.

**One trick I find useful when looking for research is to go to the ‘key words’ within the articles you find.

Length: 12 references

Literature review Matrix attached!!

  • attachment
