Which of the following represents a mismatch in stomach wall structure?

The tongue
a. secretes saliva
b. plays a major role in swallowing
c. contains a lot of connective and lymphatic tissues
d. is attached to the hard palate
e. functions in deglutition apnea

Which of the following represents a mismatch in stomach wall structure?
a. muscularis – two layers; both circular
b. rugae – folds of mucosa and submucosa
c. mucosa – gastric glands
d. gastric pits – open onto surface of stomach mucosa
e. lining – simple columnar epithelium

Which of the following is a function performed by the digestive system?

The diagram illustrates the major regulatory mechanisms of ventilation. What mechanism does “B” represent?
a. Hering-Breuer reflex
b. receptors for touch, temperature, pain stimuli
c. medullary chemoreceptors
d. carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors
e. proprioceptors

Which of the following is a function performed by the digestive system?
a. cellular respiration
b. food selection
c. elimination of undigested food
d. regulation of blood pH
e. integration and coordination of other systems

Most carbon dioxide is transported in the blood ?

Arrange the following structures in the order air passes through them during inhalation:
1: alveolar ducts
2: alveolus
3: respiratory bronchiole
4: terminal bronchiole
a. 1, 2, 3, 4b. 2, 1, 3, 4c. 4, 3, 1, 2
d. 3, 2, 1, 4
e. 4, 3, 2, 1

Most carbon dioxide is transported in the blood
a. in the form of bicarbonate ions.
b. bound to carbamino compounds.
c. dissolved in the plasma.
d. by the leukocytes.
e. in the form of carbonic acid.

Ventilation refers to the?

What does “A” represent on the diagram?
a. spleenb. thymusc. axillary lymph node
d. inguinal lymph node
e. thoracic duct

Ventilation refers to the
a. movement of air into and out of the lungsb. gas exchange between the blood and the tissuesc. transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
d. gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood
e. respiration at the cellular level

Adaptive immunity is stimulated by?

The structure in the thymus that prevents foreign substances from entering the thymus is the a. thymic corpuscle barrier
b. blood-thymic barrier
c. surface membrane barrier
d. capsular barrier
e. thymic filter

Adaptive immunity is stimulated by
a. Antigensb. Histaminesc. Antibodies
d. Complement
e. plasma proteins

The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that?

When the blood pressure of a vessel drops below the critical closing pressure for that vessel,
a. there is hypertensionb. there is an increase in blood flowc. there is an increase in peripheral resistance
d. the vessel collapses
e. the vessel expands

The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that
a. the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissuesb. the lymphatic vessels have their own “pump” to assist flowc. lymph capillaries do not contain any fluid
d. lymph capillaries allow free movement of fluid in and out of the capillaries
e. lymph circulates fluids and cardiovascular does not

Veins that return blood directly to the heart include the?

a. carry blood away from the heartb. carry blood under very high pressurec. may contain valves and are lined with endothelium
d. are described as strong, rigid vessels that always carry oxygenated blood
e. have thick, many layered walls

Veins that return blood directly to the heart include the
a. brachiocephalic veinb. superior vena cavac. portal vein
d. azygos vein
e. pulmonary arteries

Identify structure “A” on the heart diagram

Identify structure “A” on the heart diagram.
a. left atrium
b. aortic semilunar valve
c. bicuspid (mitral) valve
d. right atrium
e. pulmonary semilunar valve

Systemic blood vessels transport blood
a. from the left ventricle through the body to the left atriumb. from the left ventricle through the body to the right atriumc. from the right ventricle through the body to the left atrium
d. from the right ventricle through the body to the right atrium
e. from the left ventricle to the lungs

Which of the following is mismatched?

Which of the following is mismatched?
a. opening of sodium fast channels – depolarizationb. closing of calcium slow channels – plateau phasec. opening of potassium channels – rapid repolarization
d. closure of sodium channels – early repolarization
e. opening of calcium slow channels – plateau phase

8. Turbulence of blood flow through the aortic valve would give rise to
a. the first heart soundb. the second heart soundc. a heart murmur
d. an extra heart beat
e. end-systolic volume

Blood in the superior vena cava will enter the _____.

The heart
a. is a four-chambered muscular pump
b. is posterior to the trachea
c. is lined with an epithelial layer called epicardium
d. lies mostly to the right of the midline of the sternum
e. has a superior apex and an inferior base

Blood in the superior vena cava will enter the _____.
a. Aorta
b. right atrium
c. pulmonary trunk
d. pulmonary arteries
e. pulmonary veins