As stated in the text, the Sun radiates 3.911026 joules per second, and thus its mass diminishes by about 4.34109 kg each second. (a) If you had a…

As stated in the text, the Sun radiates 3.91×1026 joules per second, and thus its mass diminishes by about 4.34×109 kg each second. (a) If you had a cube of water whose mass was equal to 4.34×109 kg, what would be the length of one side of the cube, in km? Assume a density of 1000 kg/m3. (b) The mass of the Sun is 1.99×1030 kg. Calculate how long the sun would last, in years, if it were to keep radiating at its present power level until all its mass is gone. (This is much longer than its lifetime as predicted by more sophisticated astronomical models.)

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