Analyze emergency management principles in a community impact context

Analyze emergency management principles in a community impact context

Question description



    • Competency 2: Analyze emergency management principles in a community impact context.
    • Competency 3: Articulate appropriate emergency management responses to critical incidents.

    To complete this discussion, view the Incident Recovery simulation from this unit’s studies. This simulation deals with the short-term recovery after the incident at the stadium and surrounding area.For your main post, based on the simulation involving short-term recovery of the stadium and surrounding area:

    • Describe what the emergency planners should have done to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a catastrophe such as the one depicted in the simulation.
    • Develop an alternate plan.
      • What specifically would you do to ensure continuity of operations in the event of a catastrophe such as this one?
      • How would you ensure the transfer of command, redundant systems, and secondary facilities?
    • Compare the effects of a short-term recovery at the local venue you identified in the Unit 6 discussion, Evacuate or Shelter in Place?, and the surrounding area in your community.
      • What would the key issues of a short-term recovery in your area be? Identify at least three issues.
      • Apply the ICS principles to your issues in this discussion.

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