A flea is able to jump about 0. It has been said that if a flea were as big as a human, it would be able to jump over a 100-story building!

A flea is able to jump about 0.5 m. It has been said that ifa flea were as big as a human, it would be able to jumpover a 100-story building! When an animal jumps, it convertswork done in contracting muscles into gravitationalpotential energy (with some steps in between). The maximumforce exerted by a muscle is proportional to itscross-sectional area, and the work done by the muscle isthis force times the length of contraction. If we magnifieda flea by a factor of 1 000, the cross section of its musclewould increase by 1 0002 and the length of contractionwould increase by 1 000. How high would this “superflea”be able to jump? (Don’t forget that the mass of the“superflea” increases as well.)

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