The Use of Power in Organizations

Organization Recently, a professional colleague was the victim of a power play in her organization that led ultimately led to her having to leave her position.  Understandably, she was quite upset with the situation and felt victimized. My students often tell me that they want to avoid the politics and power in situations, and just do their jobs as leaders.  Yet, that can be challenging to do.

Jeffrey Pfeffer, a nationally known scholar in the area of organizational leadership, studies power.  He has noted that if we believe that life is fair, then we tend to subscribe to a just-world phenomenon.  He contends that this can leave us very unprepared for the realities of organizational life.  Power is a force that can be used not only for individual gain but also for the benefit of the organization.  Findings from Pfeffer’s research with corporate managers indicate that being politically savvy and seeking power are in fact related both to career success and managerial performance.  Despite the role that power plays in organizations, Pfeffer observes that it a topic rarely included in leadership development programs.

Building Your Power Base

From his own research on power and that of others, Pfeffer has identified 7 important qualities needed by leaders to build personal power.  These include:

  1. Ambition – a focus on achieving influence and a willingness to work hard if needed to be successful.
  2. Energy – is the fuel that allows us to do our work and demonstrate organizational commitment.  Having enough energy also helps us to avoid making costly mistakes because we are tired or stressed.
  3. Focus – is developing a deep expertise in areas that leads to outstanding competence.
  4. Self-Knowledge – there is no leadership learning without reflection of ways that you could have managed situations differently.
  5. Confidence – allows you to seize control in situations and helps to build influence.
  6. Empathy with Others – understanding where others are coming can help you to advance your agenda and be an effective negotiator.  You need to become an astute “reader” of the feelings and thoughts of others.
  7. Capacity to Tolerate Conflict – the ability to handle difficult conflict and stress-filled situations is an enormous advantage because most people are conflict adverse.

Pfeffer offers some interesting advice for leaders to build power such as:

  • Remain vigilant in detecting power plays and be willing to fight back.
  • Assess in advance positions/committees/task forces in your organization for the level of power and influence that they have.
  • Learn to ask for help or what you want – even when it might be uncomfortable because you just might get it.
  • Recognize that likeability is over-rated – leaders sometimes strive to be liked but it will not necessarily lead to influence in an organization.
  • Build social capital through an efficient and effective network both inside and outside the organization.
  • Act and speak with power and influence even in situations where you may not be confident.
  • Work on establishing a positive first impression in your interactions.
  • Overcome your hesitancy to self-promote and establish a positive social media image.
  • Manage your own reputation carefully.
  • Be resilient in overcoming opposition and setbacks.
  • Recognize there is a cost to power – you undergo more scrutiny.

Power plays and politics will always be part of organizational life.  You may not like it but it is reality.  Successful nurse leaders learn to navigate it and succeed.  Pfeffer recommends that leaders “seek power as if your life depends on it – because it does.”


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