week 12

Reading material

  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2021). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (11th ed.). Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.




Polit and Beck (2020), outline specific mixed measure designs and indicate that “having a name for a design is far less important than having a solid rationale for structuring a study a certain way” (page 587). Four designs are indicated:


  1. 1.Convergent Design
  2. 2.Explanatory Sequential Design
  3. 3.Exploratory Sequential Design
  4. 4.Other Mixed Method Design

Address the followings.

  1. 1.Select two methods listed, comparing and contrasting any similarities or difference and/or advantages and disadvantages between the two methods presented.
  3. 2. Which mixed methods study would you consider for your DNP project and why?


3.In Week 2 ,3 and Week 12, we looked at qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method design. In a Word document, summarize your assignment in 2-5 paragraphs reflecting upon the design that will best answer your PICO question and why.



(Week 2 was the article on Qualitative /NH 38932 and week 3 was article on Quantitative/ NH38976).



I will send you my PICO Question by message. THANKS








Provides clear examples supported by course content and references. Cites three or more references, using at least one new scholarly resource that was not provided in the course materials. All instruction requirements noted.


Well-organized content with a clear and complex purpose statement and content argument. Writing is concise with a logical flow of ideas.

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