
Your final paper should be 2000 words ( double-spaced). UseTimes New Roman, 12-point font size. Organize your paper as follows:

  • A brief introduction, the body which can be divided into a number of subsections/paragraphs, and concluding remarks.

Your paper will include

  • Clear Tile
  • A proper introduction that clearly and consciously describes the topic’s background and includes the statement of Hypothesis.
  • Organization of the sub-topics into paragraphs.
  • Use of appropriate ‘connecting’ words that connect one paragraph with the next (Smooth flow of ideas from one section to the next)
  • The essay is well-organized, well-refined, and polished. Every word and sentence is deliberately chosen to advance the author’s point. Attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Conclusion
  • References/citations given in APA style format

Keep in mind that plagiarism is a serious breach of academic standards. Be sure to place all borrowed material in quotation marks or indented paragraphs; give the source in parentheses with the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number–e.g. (Brown 1999:28). Then list your sources in the References section at the end of the paper. Avoid the use of footnotes; use numbered endnotes instead, if necessary.

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